Apr 21, 2021Liked by Amy Pennington

I haven't done *anything* yet this season, other than clear my 5 annual beds of weeds. I'm really new to gardening, with the experience of only one season and a bit of dabbling before that. I'm in grad school and my capacity for gardening (and everything else) is significantly diminished, but I want to make good use of those beds while being realistic about how much attention and effort I have capacity for. Is it too late to plant peas? potatoes? Since I'm behind in my planting plans (nothing in the ground, nothing started), and have little experience and little time, can you help me choose things that will make the most of the capacity I have so I can still have a garden?

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I will write an updated version of "What to Plant Now" this weekend, and it also exists within the class I hosted last night on "proper plant spacing" here https://newsletter.amy-pennington.com/p/how-to-properly-space-plants . I'll try and make it easy for you. RIGHT NOW, plant 1 bed with lettuces/spinach and root veg carrot/beet. Plant another bed with peas and some flowers of your choice and/or broccoli. In May, plant another bed with beans/sunflowers/zucchini and June 1 plant another with tomatoes/peppers/basil/marigold. You don't need to think about what's going where if this plan feels reasonable :) Plant using the maps from the presentation, above. Holler with questions!

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brilliant, thank you! one more question: did I miss the window to start those tomato seeds you gave me?

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According to my "Tomato Cheat Sheet" the LAST day to sow tomato seed indoors was April 15th. Soooooo.......would I DO it? Yes. Would I recommend it as a best practice? No. ;) GOOD LUCK! let me know how it goes.

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HI Jenni! I think alot of people experience this - garden fatigue. It feels overwhelming and BIG, but if you're already working with 5 (!) clean garden beds, you're off to a great start. Dedicate 2 hours of your time (this weekend??) and you'll be in great shape. You did not necessarily miss any windows. It really is the very last chance for peas, as they are cool season crops. I wouldn't RECOMMEND growing them just this moment in time, but sounds like with 5 beds you have enough room to experiment. Try it! See what happens. But try it fast.

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